Muck Arctic Sport Boot Review


The Muck Arctic Sport boot is an awesome boot. I've tried a couple other boots that, no matter what, would cause my feet to freeze after around 4 hours in the stand. With the Muck Arctic Sport boots, staying in the stand during those all-day sits in -5° got a whole lot easier. With the proper socks, I can sit in the stand all day and my feet won’t keep me from leaving the stand. In the past, that's the one thing that kept me from staying in the stand all day, but not any more with the Muck Arctic Sport boots. These boots are well worth the money. This boot is more appropriate during mid or late season, but that doesn’t mean you can’t wear it during the early season. These boots were made to keep your feet warm and that's exactly what they do.

Rated on a 10-scale:

Price: 7/10

The price varies, but it ranges from $165-$180. This is a good price for boots that will do the job.

Warmth: 9/10 

It doesn't get much warmer than these boots. I recommend these to most of the hunters that ask me how I keep my feet warm.

Final Personal Rating: 9/10

Personally, until proven otherwise, this boot or brand will always be on my feet when late season comes. It has taken me a while to figure out a boot that works for me, but this one does the trick.

-Dillon Lee, Fall Obsession Field Staff