Fall Obsession

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Tasco 8mp Game Camera Review

So, the debate still rages on…do the less expensive game cameras do the trick? Do they perform as well as the more expensive cameras? Are you able to get high enough quality pictures to be able to survey the deer in the area? I decided to test it out for myself, for two reasons. Firstly, I hunt 95% of the time on public land and have had a couple higher end cameras stolen. Secondly, to test to see if the “cheap” camera gives me the picture quality I need.

I went out and purchased two Tasco 8mp Game Cameras from my local Walmart. After a month's time of having the cameras out, I pulled the SD cards. The first Tasco camera took 161 pictures and the battery life was high. The second Tasco camera took 1,836 pictures and still the battery life was high. Looking through the pictures, I was pretty satisfied with their quality! The Tasco Camera’s pictures that were taken of objects that appeared 10 yards away or closer were just as clear and sharp as most of my higher end cameras. Pictures that were taken from 20 to 30 yards away were still good quality pictures. You were able to see the size of the deer and determine if it was a doe or a shooter buck.

On the downside, the Tasco Cameras didn't perform as well as my higher end cameras during rain and high sun. The shots during these times were not as clear and were glared over. This was to be expected to a point, however, the biggest issue I had was with the pictures taken at night. They were below average quality in my opinion, but for me, I like seeing if my shooter buck is in the area during the day more than at night and the Tasco Camera gives you that. Even with the less than average quality of the night pictures, you are still able to make out if it’s a doe or buck which is the main objective.

Rated on a 10 Scale:

Price - 10/10

I purchased the Tasco camera at Walmart for $28.88. There aren't many cameras out there that are cheaper than that. The low price gives you the confidence to go out and put a camera on your favorite public land or any private spot of land for that matter.

User Friendly - 10/10

The Tasco Camera is simple to set up. There are only a couple options to dial in. You need to set up the time and date as well as which camera number it is. This camera is very straight forward.

Picture Quality - 6/10

The quality is a tricky part for me to rate. When the deer is within 10 to 15 yards away this camera takes amazing shots. Then I have to take into consideration the lower quality of the weather related and the night shots.

Overall Personal Rating - 7/10

I have to say, I am very impressed with this camera, taking into consideration the price I paid for it. This camera will take awesome pictures during the day that will allow you to get a clear and quality view of your target buck. I would have no problem running this camera for years on the public lands I hunt.

-Dillon Lee, Fall Obsession Field Staff